Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Free Quality Open Source #2: Space War!

Everyone remembers Thrust don't they?  Or Gravity Force?  If not, they were some of the first gravity/physics games, and great fun.  So that's why I wrote SpaceWar.  The full source is available here.  It's in Java, and should "just work".

The game uses jBox2D in order to do the physics.  This means that all values can be easily edited, such as mass, acceleration, gravity, bounciness etc...   The gravity also comes from the masses of the object rather than "down", so players will gravitate around planets etc..

For the multiplayer aspect it uses the keyboard and as many gamepads as you can plug into your USB ports.

Since it's fully open-source, you can do whatever you want with it.  Please let me know how you get on.

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